I’ve decided to make my blog an ‘8 day’ one instead of a weekly one.  That way I can wish you all a different Delightful Day each time I write so…..

Greetings on this Terrific Tuesday. I hope the last 8 days  have gone well for you. As I suggested last time, I’d like to talk about the dreams and /or purposes for our lives.

A dream can be a strongly desired goal or purpose according to one of Webster’s definitions and a purpose is defined as something set up as an object or end to be obtained. Well, either way, we can create it. 

So many of us had childhood dreams of what we wanted to be when we “grew up.”  Depending on our age, we are either reaching for our dream or we’ve achieved it. Some of us have had to accept changes to our dream due to circumstances. But, whatever our situation, it’s never too late to reach out for that dream. 

I believe God has a purpose for each of our lives; that each of us has been created to achieve a special way of bringing love and service to others. By benefiting our neighbor, we add enjoyment to living. If you’re young enough to be at the beginning of your dream, that’s wonderful, but if your”fuse” like mine, is getting shorter, KNOW that there’s still time to achieve it.

A few years ago, my doctor told me that I dodged a bullet during a medical procedure, that somebody up there (he looked up) wasn’t ready for me, yet. It gave me thought. I decided it was time for me to complete the book I’d started and I did it. Although my original dream as a child, to be a missionary, was sidetracked several times, in a way, that dream has been somewhat achieved. My book, entitled This Little de Light of Mine (get a paperback or kindle copy at Amazon) focuses on our becoming the Light of Jesus to others in order to spread love.

I’m using myself as an example because I enjoy writing, as it’s easier for me to express myself writing than to be a speaker. I did do a lot of singing and thought that was my purpose, but losing the use of my singing voice during surgery ended that but began my love of writing. Maybe you can encourage love for others through communication. Or, is your dream to express yourself by the love of sewing, sculpting, teaching, poetry or painting. Do you have a dream that can serve and save this country from the road it’s on? Then, by all means DO IT!  Any of these plus others may be God’s purpose for you.

It definitely takes courage launching a dream at any age. There’s the fear of rejection. The Bible has 365 (I think) Fear Nots in it. Coincidentally or not, that’s one for every day of the year. LOL  So grab your Fear Not and take the plunge.  Remember, as an optimist, your cup stays at least half full not half empty, always enough to keep you going. Remember too, rejection is only a chance to try again. Many of our greatest creators like the Wright Bros., Einstein and Edison had their share of failures and rejections. 

So, be Wise, act on your dream, your purpose. Your successful fulfillment is just around the corner. Enjoy  the feeling of being loved by those you’ve helped because you followed the purpose for your life; your dream.